Sunday, December 13, 2009

Paper Ornaments

I can't resist a quick post on these paper ornaments Aurelia and I made a couple of days ago.* The instructions are here.

We used double sided scrap paper so they would look nice from every angle. Here are all the supplies needed to make them artfully arranged for the photo.

I figured out how to cut the paper from the scraps to make smaller ones, too.

Here they are, laid out on the table.

And here they are in the window. Each sheet of paper yields one large and one small ornament.

Total cost: $6.50

Hint: Don't use white yarn to hang them. At night, it stands out sharply against the black windows.

*Yep, I got a batch of photos developed! I'd forgotten how exciting it is to go pick up your photos to see what you've taken!


Anne At Large said...

Beautiful! Maybe you could hang them with fishing wire or something to eliminate the white yarn factor at night?

scb said...

Those are gorgeous! I must do some for my big window!

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