Wednesday, February 10, 2016

40 Bags in 40 Days: Day 1. Clearing the Decks

Nothing onerous, today.

Today, I simply did the obvious.

1) I bagged up everything in the donation station:

This is in my basement laundry room, underneath my folding table.

2) I took two boxes of Christian books to a nearby Church we used to attend. Remember when I first decluttered these? It was hard. I promised myself I'd hang on to them for a while--and that if I missed any, I was allowed to go back in and get them. I missed none of them. It was beyond time to let them go.

I think can be valuable to let go of things slowly, like this. Sometimes, you just need to take the time to be sure.

3) I donated two boxes from these shelves--also a decluttering project from last year.

This area looks quite different,  now.

Mostly fiction--they now retail, second hand, for more than the cover price. Not worth trying to sell.

4) Egads--can you believe I re-found the food from my pantry decluttering in January? So, that's gone, now, too, thank goodness.

I know, not much! Easy to see how I misplaced it. 

5) There were some odds and ends I'd gathered since the last donation station drop off (including some rarely used Christmas ornaments).

About an hour running around town--including the return of a light fixture I bought a long time ago--and ta da!

Those cardboard boxes in the back are for a project at my Mom's.

One "bag" the size of my trunk decluttered.

Boom dada boom.

More info here.

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MMarie said...

Well done! I'm impressed how you go and go and go. You are like the Energizer Bunny! After the January Cure and having a cold for 2 weeks I have little energy to start a new challenge! Maybe I'm sad the Cure is over? I bet it felt so good to come home to an empty trunk and walking space in your basement. Congrats!

Alana in Canada said...

I'm sorry you were down and out with a cold. I don't know--if I were the energizer bunny--wouldn't my kitchen be clean? At least that much!

Carol-Anne said...

Wow! This is impressive!

Alana in Canada said...

Thanks Carol-Anne! So nice to see you again.

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